
Saturday, June 23, 2007

Way Back When They Used To Call Me George

In the sixth grade, well honestly my whole life would probably be more accurate, I was considered a distraction to other students. So to get down to it, I talked too much. I was friends with and would talk to anyone and everyone so yeah after years of it the teachers had had enough.
The desk arrangement in that class was simple rows so they moved my desk to the back and to the far left of the room, slightly removed from the rows.
No big deal, I just found I had to talk slightly louder to the person next to me.
So my desk was removed even farther left and a little bit up.
I somehow managed to be a distraction.
Then out came the tri-fold. Those tall cardboard tri-folds. It went around my desk and the opening was behind me a little past my seat. There was a little slit in the shape of a semi-circle on the front that I could just pop out when the teacher was instructing and put back up when she was done. It was three times taller than I was.
I sat in a box on the far left of the class.
Now I've got to stress that I wasn't really a bad kid. I was always nice and pleasant an did well in class. It was just that I talked to much
After a few months in the box my teacher took me aside during class one day and said that I've been much better and if I would like I could now move my desk back in the row and get rid of the box. I thought about it but decided that I liked the box and I ended up sitting there until the end of the year. It was just that I loved to just sit there and I could day dream or sleep or color and no one would really know and I liked being alone. Plus I could always tell when someone was about to peak around my box so I'd have a backup in case.
But having a substitute teacher was always the best because they just didn't get it. I'm sure it must have been odd to walk in and find a large box in the room where one child in particular sits.
After that year ended we moved to a new house where I got my own room. And since then my room has been my box.


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