
Saturday, April 23, 2005

My Underwear Is Cute For You Not For Me

I love those moments in life where you realize that nothing will be the same ever again...
Where you just know that you'll wake up tomorrow and the sky will look different. You'll feel different in your own skin... Feelings have changed and things have new meaning... And I have reminders of each period, songs that make me feel like someone I used to be.... Places that remind me of somewhere I used to call home.... Pictures of people and places that I once loved and now consider fond memories.... I'm having one of those moments now, I just know that tomorrow will be different than today or any other day I had. And one day I'll stumble across some little thing that reminds me of now, and who I am at this very moment. ..And hopefully, this change will make colors brighter, days warmer, and love just a little more magical.
Things are good. I think that might just be. The thing I love about life is each day, each moment, you have the chance to do something life changing and wonderful.... The freedom to make things better. Even if it just means holder your head up a little higher and smiling a little brighter. Being nicer to the person sitting next to you and sharing your bit of knowledge with the world...


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