
Friday, June 24, 2005

I Don't See The Girl You Say I Am When I Look In The Mirror

My uncle has 3 children and also raised me.
So essentially he has 4 children.
4 girls to be correct.

4 girls!
Can you imagine trying to raise 4 girls?
In my opinion girls are harder to raise then boys. But hey that's just my take.
To make things a bit more crazy:
I am his niece, His sisters daughter.
He has 2 girls from his previous marriage.
He has a baby girl with his wife.
that's 3 different moms that he's also got to deal with.

Someone said to me " Well maybe he isn't capable of producing males. "
I thought no, that's highly unlikely.
That got me to thinking why is it that his life involves so many females?
Its hard to be objective about people you are close to. But this time I had to be.
I figure he carries a debt to females from a previous lifetime.
But what would he have done in another lifetime?
Perhaps he was one of those men who had many wives and treated them all badly.
Perhaps he was a womanizer.
Or maybe a rapist. *shudders*
Maybe that's why he's got 4 girls to worry about, and their mothers to deal with.

I don't really know. But it almost makes sense doesn't it.

Asides from that. We bought out our neighbor's house and the renovation began today. We're taking the house apart tearing down most of the walls and all that other jazz. The fun part is that I can paint my room and do something exciting with it. Also I get a larger room, considering I'm gonna be bumming off my family till I'm done university. Which is still a few more years. Suckers.
so I'm tired. Got to be up early tomorrow morning to keep working on this house. We have to have the majority of the things done by the 1st so the clock is working against us. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
It'll bring us closer to the end.

* A little note for fun, when I ran spell check on this post it brought up womanizer and the only alternative it gave me was homemaker. ha, up yours! *


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