
Sunday, June 05, 2005

Yes This Obsession Will Shorten My Life

She sits... Her Mind being pulled in nine directions..Doubts and worries and "if's" clouding her otherwise good judgment..What to do?
its obvious though no matter how many times this question is asked..The answer remains..Nothing..Silence..Beautiful silence..No sweeter sounds has ever been known..To her.

for how many more days and nights will she continue to look for something abstract hoping to achieve some sort of solitude in hunger..Some sort of deranged victory in starvation ..In pushing beyond her limits...For no real reason... Just to see what will happen..To see how far she can push ..Just the minimum requirements to live..
how nice it would be to live off of just the air..
to rid yourself of NEED... You don't need anything..Or anyone. Its just you.. And surprisingly you can still carry on..
well she's still living..So maybe this will work for her..Somehow...Or maybe someone will actually see her..See beyond the smile she paints on every morning to face the world..See beyond the staged confidence...The fake happiness..And save her..
to be saved...From herself.


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