
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I'm Trying Too Hard To Please Everyone

I always want to write, but I never really know what to write about some days. Most days actually.
So I find myself writing just for the sake of it.
I don't think I have too much to say, I've been relaxed the past few days and am enjoying it profusely.
Trying hard to maintain this status quo.

I'd say the number of people in my life has been reduced by more than half, and its so much better this way because I know the people left are the ones that are here to stay forever. And I must say I'm impressed and surprised by the turn out.
" You got me, and if you ask me, that's all you really need. "
It's true, you only need a few good ones, not a bunch of shady ones.

I'm scared of the way I feel.
I'm scared of what I do.
I'm scared of what I see.
I'm scared of what I hear.
I'm scared of what they're saying.
I'm scared of what I've lost.
I'm scared I'll lose you.
I'm scared that its too late.
I'm scared that we've both lost hope.
I'm scared of who you've become.
I'm scared of doing this alone.

This was a pointless post.
I'll be back when I've got something good to say.


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